Events in Hajdina
There is always something interesting going on in Hajdina and some of the events have become traditional attracting every year an increased number of visitors.
In January, young and old gather in the premises of the fire brigade in Slovenja Vas to participate in the pumpkin shelling event thus reviving this once popular traditional custom in the village; nowadays the work is carried out to the rhythm of folk songs, music and dance.
February or March is dedicated to the carnival. “Korants” from Hajdina and Draženci and the “ploughers” from Gerečja Vas and Skorba see to the entertainment in various inns and at numerous social events organised in all seven villages, while the largest gathering of the carnival masks occurs on the central municipal square.
Every odd year, Easter is the time when members of women’s clubs gather in the premises of Retired People’s Association in Hajdina to present their culinary specialities and hand-made artefacts. In May, meadows become green again and blossom. In Gerečja Vas, young and grown-up men meet at the grass-cutting contest in the traditional-manual way and the “modern” way with the help of a machine. Encouraged by songs and accordion playing, scythes cut better.